We work with unique talents. Each one of them has a powerful message. Our mission is to spread it, and create spaces for the talents to be able to express themselves. We believe that any brand or project, in connection with art and talent, has a great beneficial impact for the society that elevates both to a higher purpose. We connect brands with talents in order to spread their art.

We offer customized services to the artists to help them create, develop and make their art visible to the world. We bring talents and brands together to make it possible, creating artistic concepts that align both their purposes. Through our talents, their art, our concepts, creations and productions, we elevate brands to a much needed social platform to create art and through it, a much sensitive world.


  • Artist’s business management

  • Personalised Management / PA for artists and public figures

  • Set objectives, strategy, planning and budgeting

  • Expand artist's visibility with a global perspective

  • Maximise the artist’s full potential in the marketplace

  • Promotion of the artist according to its vision

  • Coaching and assessment for independent artists: I teach tools to increase visibility and manage their own business

  • Professional connections

  • Negotiation and control of agreements

  • Press and Media management

  • Online visibility management (e-management)

  • Artist's events coordination / production


  • Match artists with brands

  • Develop concepts for advertising campaigns with the artists

  • Promotion of artists to advertising agencies and production companies

  • Negotiation of agreements between clients and artists

  • Control of the agreements on set - in situ

  • Coordination of licenses of the artist’s work rights - image rights

  • Budgeting & advertising value

  • Artist’s media management and in coordination with the brand

  • Campaign-coordination between artists and clients

  • Creation and production of music for brands

  • Creation and production of communication items with the artists (photos, videos, etc.)


  • Setting integrated communication concepts

  • Press releases and press kits

  • Press conferences, media events

  • Media coaching - Training for artists: how to attend press and media

  • Speech writing, pitch writing, copy writing

  • Media partnerships

  • International press coverage - coordination of international PRs

  • Customised press and media contact list


  • Organisation of events and tours worldwide

  • Integrated event services coordination

  • Production of events

  • Event marketing and promotion

  • Event press coverage

  • Dj and artists bookings

  • Production and translation services for artist’s tours

  • Tour manager for artists and bands


  • Artist relations

  • Create events designed for public outreach and media relations

  • Attend events designed for public outreach and media relations

  • Sponsorship research

  • Networking